
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

sâmbătă, 3 martie 2018

The wheel Turns

Tocmai cand savuram momentele si zilele de pauza, cu sinceritate, dar totusi cu o senzatie de plictiseala, am primit o veste care ne-a bucurat: am fost invitati la un targ de martisor organizat petru angajatii unei companii, la Bucuresti. Am zis da si ne-am pus pe treaba, pentru ca aveam la dispozitie foarte putin timp. Din fericire mana in ghips a cooperat si am putut picta, asa ca ne-am putut pregati. Pentru ca prognoza meteo a fost cam de speriat si nu ne-am dorit sa riscam, am hotarat sa il lasam pe Carol cu bunicii. A fost o decizie care m-a nelinistit, pentru ca pana acum nu l-am mai lasat peste noapte si ar fi fost vorba de 5 nopti. A fost bine si astfel am depasit o etapa importanta: de acum bebe poate sta si departe de mama si se distreaza la fel de bine:)) Excursia aceasta la Bucuresti a fost o vacanta pentru mine si am savurat timpul "liber", in care am mancat in liniste, am dormit fara intreruperi, desi nu atat de mult cat ma asteptam, am citit si mi-am eliberat mintea de grija altcuiva (oricat de simpatic e un copil de un an, e foarte soloicitant). Dar ni s-a facut dor de pitic si revederea a fost dulce (lui i-a luat niste timp sa se reconecteze la noi, pentru ca se pare ca micutii au un mecanism de adapatare rapida la persoanele care ii ingrijesc, cu singura conditie sa se simta in siguranta si iubiti).

EN: Just when I was enjoying the pause moments, sincerely, but still with a small thought of boredom in the back of my mind, we got a news that made us happy: we were invited to a martisor fair, organized for the employees of a big company, in Bucharest. We said yes and went straight to work, while the tie was short. Luckily my sick hand was cooperative and i could paint, so we went prepared. because the weather forecast was frightening and we didn't want to take any chances, we decided to leave Carol with his grandparents. It was a decision that made me a  little nervous, because it would have been the first time we let him overnight (actually for 5 nights). It was so good and so we ended a big chapter: from now on baby can spend time away from mom and dad and have fun while doing it! Yupii! This trip to Bucharest felt like a holiday and I enjoyed my time off from being a mom:)) I didn't sleep as much as I thought I would, but it felt refreshing to eat in my own rhythm, to sleep with no interruption and to simply not think of anyone else but me. But we did miss the little one and the return was so sweet (it took him some time to reconnect with us and we realize babies are highly adaptable to the person taking care of them, as long as they feel safe and loved).

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