
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

vineri, 16 martie 2018

Spring Fling

Am mai zis-o, cred, ca o data cu sosirea vremii calde, a primaverii, timpul pare ca se misca tot mai repede. Poate pentru ca incepem sa avem tot mai multa activitate si ne petrecem tot mai mult pe afara.

EN: I said it before, I think, that once the weather becomes warmer, it feels like time starts to run. Maybe because we have more and more activities and we spend more time outdoors.

Cum soarele a zambit cald saptamana aceasta, am hotarat sa il sarbatorim cu o plimbare in natura si bine am facut: s-au trezit si primele plante si ne-au bucurat cu verdele lor crud si aroma vie de padure. Urzici, racovina, lipicioasa, urechea babei (ciuperci timpurii pe care anul acesta le-am gustat prima data). De aici incolo "aprozarul" din padure va fi tot mai imbelsugat si eu incerc sa invat cat mai multe despre fascinanta lume a plantelor din flora spontana, fie ele medicinale sau alimentare. Cum a spus Hipocrate: "fie ca hrana ta sa-ti fie leac, iar leacul hrana".

EN: Because the sun had a warm smile this week, we decided to celebrate it with a walk in the nature and it proved a really good idea: the first plants woke to life and gave us joy through their vibrant green. Nettles, Stellaria media, cleaver, elf's cups (the so tasty early spring mushrooms, that we enjoyed for the first time). From now on the forest "market" will get richer and thus I try to learn as much as possible about the fascinating world of plants, be them medicinal or edible. As Hippocrates put it: "may your food be your medicine and your medicine food".

Am profitat si de vizita in capitala si am ajuns la Muzeul tehnic Bucuresti, care ne-a transpus in lumea fizicii, a inventiilor, un univers science fiction guvernat de legi pe care le cunoastem prea putin, din pacate.

EN: We took advantage of our trip to the capital and went to The Museum of technique, where we were transported into the world of physics, of invention, a sci-fi universe, governed by laws we saw little understand.  

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