
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

luni, 22 ianuarie 2018

Slow Motion

 Imi e dor de vremurile cand timpul nu exista. Cand nu masuram viata in ore, zile si ani, ci in jocuri, veselie si mirare. Una din distractiile preferate cand eram copil era aparatul de diapozitive, pe care fratele meu, mai mare fiind, stia cum sa-l manuiasca. Era o magie: musai faceam intuneric in camera, alegeam o poveste ("Turtita fermecata" iesea castigatoare de cale mai multe ori:), potriveam filmul si cand aprindeam becul masinariei, pe perete se iveau personajele, iar povestea prindea viata.

EN: I miss the days when time was inexistent. When my life was not measured in hours, days and years, but in games, fun and amazement. One of my favorite entertainments was this machine that brought stories to life, before the TV and cartoons. My older brother knew how to use it, so we would team up and spend lovely evenings enjoying the fairytales.

 Mi-ar placea si pentru Carol sa aiba parte de o copilarie lenta si fara prea mari batai de cap. Sa se joace pe strada cu alti copii, sa alerge prin padure, sa se murdareasca de noroi si balti, sa faca oameni de zapada si sa fie totul simplu. Eu una nu imi amintesc sa fi fost intrebata prea multe cand eram copil, nu mi s-a cerut parerea despre ce vreau sa mananc sau cu ce sa ma imbrac. Sincer, nu cred ca il ajuta mult pe un copil sa fie pus sa hotarasca toate lucrurile marunte: pana la urma, mancarea e de foame si hainele pentru frig sau cald, iar un adult trebuie sa fie cel care ii da o masura si ii serveste de model.
 Pentru copiii din ziua de azi mi se pare ca timpul a inceput sa capete sens, totul e o fuga si sunt si ei prinsi in jocul stupid pe care il joaca adultii grabiti, iar anii lor simpli si fara griji se pierd si lasa urme grele, ii maturizeaza prea repede, fara sa fie de fapt cazul. Ar trebui viata sa fie tot mai simpla, dar, culmea, ne apare tot mai complicata, pentru ca ne preocupam de lucruri fara sens: mai multi bani, case mai mari, vacante mai scumpe, jucarii mai performante, telefoane mai destepte! Pe mine m-au cam pierdut vremurile...

EN: I wish for Carol to enjoy the stresless childhood we had. So he could play in the street with his friends, to run in the forest, to get muddy, to build snowmen and everything to be easy. I don't remember being asked to decide about my life when I was young: what I want to eat, what I want to get dressed with...This things were by default decided by the adults and it was just fine. It is our responsability to be the measure for the young ones.
For the kids these days I think time became to meaningfull and they got caught in the adults' rush and stupid game and their simple and most beautiful years get wasted. They grow up to fast, without a real reason. Life should get more simple, but, ironically, it feels more and more complicated, because we are worried about false things: more money, bigger houses, more expensive holidays, smarter phones! These times feel kind of strange and confusing to me, to be honest...

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