
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

sâmbătă, 30 septembrie 2017


N-am banuit si nu ma asteptam ca perioada aceasta a proaspetei maternitati sa fie atat de marcata de cunoasterea de mine. Si chiar daca fiecare zi pentru mine a fost sub semnul unei lupte, un zbucium si o pendulare intre agonie si extaz, fara nicio exagerare, incet invat sa ma bucur de ea si sa primesc fiecare zi ca pe o lectie necesara, o investitie intr-un viitor linistit. Si nu doar invat, ca pe o lectie dintr-un manual pe care o stiu pe de rost, ci chiar inteleg intern ca totul curge. Azi, dupa nopti de oboseala, plansete, zbatere si negura, imi dau seama ca e bine; ca fizic sunt bine si pot duce mult, desi pentru mine socul a fost mare, mai ales ca pana acum viata mi-a fost lina, previzibila si comoda; ca lucrurile se schimba mereu si situatiile, oricat de urate si grele par, nu sunt pentru totdeauna; ca rabdarea nu e doar un cuvant ci o practica continua: "nu pana la prasit, ci pana la sfarsit"; ca pana la urma alegem sa pastram in fotografii doar momentele placute, asa ca si in memorie tot ele trebuie sa ocupe locul, restul clipelor sa fie mici secunde care oricum trec.

EN: I didn't suspect and wasn't expecting that this times of fresh motherhood would be so filled with awarness. And even if every day for me has been a struggle, between agony and extazy, with no exageration, I slowly learn to enjoy it and receive each day as a necessary lesson, an investment in my peaceful future. And it's not just learning this by heart, like a lesson from a book, but it's about understanding that everything flows. Today, after nights of tiredness, crying, darkness, I see that I'm fine; that fizically I am ok and I can handle it, although the shock was a great one for me who I was accustomed with a confortable life; that patience is not just a word, but a continuess practice, till the very end; that after all we choose to take photos of the pleasant moments, so those are the times that should fill our memory.
 Foto: Alexandru Dragoiu

Foto: Alexandru Dragoiu

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