
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

vineri, 8 septembrie 2017

In the Attick

Ultimele saptamani ni le-am petrecut in Sibiu, oras in care ne-am hotarat sa petrecem iarna si daca lucrurile se asaza poate mai mult timp. Asa ca la sfarsit de saptamana am fost invitati la prima petrecere privata la care am tinut ateliere.
EN: We spent last weeks in Sibiu, the city where we plan to spend the winter and if things work out well, more time. So in the weekend we were invited with our workshops at our first private party.
Pentru ca vremea a fost nehotarata, activitatile le-am desfasurat in pod si ne-am distrat de minune. Copiii, ca de obicei, veseli si interesati, au tras cu arcul, au pictat si au incheiat cu o sesiune distractiva de karaoke.
Because the weather was undecided, we held the activities in the attick and had a great time. The children, happy as usual, were excited by the archery and painted beautiful necklaces and earrings. We ended the evening with a karaoke session.

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